Centre of Polish Sculpture

The cultural tradition of the Centre of Polish Sculpture (CRP) in Orońsko originated in the middle of 19th century, when Józef Brandt, an outstanding Polish painter, married the estate owner Helena Pruszak. For that reason, lateron the area develops to an artistic colony called the Free Orońsko Academy.

The present history of the Centre started with creative stays and an open-air exhibition of artists in 1965. Soon the Department for Sculptors’ Creative Work was founded. Since 1981 the Centre of Polish Sculpture has been functioning as a state institution subordinated to the Ministry of Art and Culture. CRP has its own artistic collection. The historical part including the presentation of 19th century manorial interiors is on display in Józef Brandt’s palace. Simultaneously, a collection of Polish and foreign contemporary art is created. The Centre offers exhibition space in the Museum of Contemporary Sculpture and galleries located within the area of the landscape park: the „Chapel” gallery, the „Coach House” gallery and the „Orangery”. Apart from the buildings, the area of the manorial park is also used for exhibitions. Exhibition halls house several presentations every year. The most important ones were devoted to the history of the latest sculpture and retrospective presentations of outstanding sculptors. The youngest generation artists are popularised in a regular programme – the Triennial of Youth.

Within the framework of the European Landart Network the Centre of Polish Sculpture starts the programme "Local Identity – Continuity and Change" in May 2014.

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  • Centre of Polish Sculpture Open or Close

    The cultural tradition of the Centre of Polish Sculpture (CRP) in Orońsko originated in the middle of 19th century, when Józef Brandt, an outstanding Polish painter, married the estate owner Helena Pruszak. For that reason, lateron the area develops to an artistic colony called the Free Orońsko Academy.

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European Landart Network
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Tel.: +49 (0)5195 9339-63 | Fax: -62

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Media & Integrated Communication
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