Arte Sella

Arte Sella is an international outdoor exhibition of contemporary art set up in 1986 in the fields and woods of the Val di Sella, by the municipality of Borgo Valsugana in the province of Trento.

Arte Sella is both a qualified exhibition of artistic works and, most importantly, an ongoing creative process in which art works can be actually followed as they grow and evolve. The artists are called upon to express a respectful relationship with nature and treat it as a source of inspiration. The works are usually three-dimensional and created using stones, leaves, branches and tree trunks. Man-made objects, materials and colours are rarely used. All works are placed outdoor and can be admired while enjoying the different types of woods, stones and monumental trees in the surroundings, the artworks are left to decay thus becoming again part of nature's life cycle.

Within the framework of the European Landart Network Arte Sella starts the programme "Creativity and Landscape" in September 2014.

  • Arte Sella Open or Close

    Arte Sella is an international outdoor exhibition of contemporary art set up in 1986 in the fields and woods of the Val di Sella, by the municipality of Borgo Valsugana in the province of Trento.

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  • Centre of Polish Sculpture Open or Close

    The cultural tradition of the Centre of Polish Sculpture (CRP) in Orońsko originated in the middle of 19th century, when Józef Brandt, an outstanding Polish painter, married the estate owner Helena Pruszak. For that reason, lateron the area develops to an artistic colony called the Free Orońsko Academy.

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  • Yorkshire Sculpture Park Open or Close

    Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP) is an open-air gallery “without walls” in Yorkshire, England, showing works by British and international artists, e.g. Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore and James Turrell. The park is situated in the grounds of Bretton Hall, a historical estate which was a family home between 18th and mid 20th century. Follies, landscape features and architectural structures from the 18th century can be seen around the park including the deer park and deer shelter, an ice house, and a camellia house. Artists take their inspiration from its architectural, historical or natural environment.

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  • Springhornhof Foundation Open or Close

    The Springhornhof Foundation is the original initiator of this network and supports and promotes the notion of artistic engagement with nature, the countryside and village life through a wide-ranging programme of exhibitions, projects and events.

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  • Wanås Konst Open or Close

    Wanås Konst produces, presents, and communicates international contemporary art to both the initiated and the novice. Wanås Konst has a strong, innovative and growing educational program and are committed to a sustainable development of the community and the rural areas. Sculpture with a focus on site-specific installations has been shown here since 1987. Wanås Konst is run by the non profit Wanås Foundation.

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  • Musée Gassendi Open or Close

    For two decades contemporary artists are invited to Digne-les-Bains to create the vast territory of the Geological Nature Reserve of Haute-Provence. From the beginning of the project in 1995, the Museum Gassendi and Art Center CAIRN worked together to deploy a collection of works on the territory through public orders. Gradually, an important set of permanent works was produced in the natural environment, which covers over 200 000 hectares.

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Thanks to support from the Culture Programme of the European Union!

European Landart Network
C/o Springhornhof Foundation
Tiefe Str. 4 | D-29643 Neuenkirchen
Tel.: +49 (0)5195 9339-63 | Fax: -62

MIK mediaconsult GmbH
Media & Integrated Communication
An den Roemerhuegeln 1 | D-823031 Gruenwald
Tel. +49 (0)89 20201649